Our curriculum & Teaching approach
Toddles Preschool offers developmentally appropriate educational programs for each age group.
Our curriculum is built to target the following areas of development:
Language and literacy development (vocabulary building, speaking and listening, beginning reading and writing)
Social emotional developement
Reasoning and problem solving
Exploration of arts ( visual arts, music, movement, dramatic play)
Social science
Physical education, nutrition, healthy lifestyle
Our goal
Our goal is to determine through careful observation each child’s interests and learning style. From these observations we aim to provide an environment that promotes children’s natural curiosity and gives them guidance and freedom to construct their knowledge, intelligence and personality in ways most meaningful to them.
We use a project approach as a teaching strategy
The project theme or "big idea" allows in-depth study of the subject of interest and related topics as well. Literacy learning, math, science, and arts are integrated in authentic activities related to the project theme. This approach provides hands-on exploration, gives children choices, helps them develop critical thinking and problem solving skills, and is a fun and exciting way to learn.
We are working to create a sense of community and foster cooperation between adults and children and among children themselves. We listen to parents’ wishes, and appreciate their input on what is important for their children’s comfort, confidence, and success.